Source code for quickrpc.echo_api

'''EchoAPI: simple chat server.

Demonstrates use of RemoteAPI as well as StdioTransport and TcpServerTransport.

The server responds to a "say" call with "echo" of the text to all clients.
The message "quit":
 - if coming from stdio, shuts the server down
 - if coming over a tcp connection, makes the server close the connection.

Run with python3 -m quickrpc.echo_api.
Enter json messages on the commandline to test stdio transport.
Use `telnet localhost 8888` to test tcp functionality.
Use `tail -F echo_api.log` in another terminal to watch logged events.
import logging
L = lambda: logging.getLogger(__name__)
from threading import Event
from .import transport, RemoteAPI, incoming, outgoing

[docs]class EchoAPI(RemoteAPI): '''Demo of how to use RemoteAPI. Echo API answers incoming `say` calls with an `echo` call. '''
[docs] @incoming def say(self, sender="", text=""): pass
[docs] @outgoing def echo(self, receivers=None, text=""): pass
[docs] @incoming def quit(self, sender=""): pass
[docs]def test(): L().info('Start echo_api.test') stop_event = Event() print('serving on port 8888') api = EchoAPI(codec='terse', transport='mux:(tcpserv::8888)(stdio:)') # on incoming "say", call "echo" api.say.connect(lambda sender="", text="": api.echo(text=text)) # on incoming "quit", differentiate by sender. def onquit(sender): if sender=='stdio': print('Server stops.') stop_event.set() else: print('Disconnect %s.'%sender) api.transport.transports[0].close(sender) api.quit.connect(onquit) api.transport.start() try: stop_event.wait() finally: api.transport.stop() L().info('Exit echo_api.test')
if __name__ == '__main__': import logging print('supported: {"__method":"say", "text": "hello world"} and {"__method":"quit"}') logging.basicConfig(level='DEBUG', filename='echo_api.log') test()